Server Relocation

Servers and related IT equipment are highly valuable and critical to the running of a business. Universal recognises that any relocation poses a high risk and threat to an operation’s business continuity. Damage to your servers, unplanned downtime or loss of data could be crippling to your business. We ensure that all moves are carried out efficiently and effectively by our own specialist qualified IT Services team, utilising tried and tested equipment and methodologies to minimise risk.


Our specialist technicians are highly experienced in relocating servers for large public and private sector organisations such as banks, law firms, IT and technology companies and financial institutions where the server infrastructure is paramount.


Our IT Relocation Management Team can support clients with ancillary services including asset audit and management, and project management so that Universal supports our clients from the audit and planning stages through to delivery and recommissioning and testing.


Universal provides, as part of the service, a clear audit trail of worksheets evidencing each process in support of the client’s paperwork for each stage of the project.


Our specialist team deploy the latest innovative protective measures for maximum protection through de-racking and re-racking.